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The Wild Soul Woman

a poem and a challenge

January 15, 2019

Do you dare stoke the fire of an alive woman?

The one who knows how to tend the fire of her own soul.

The one already turned on

by her own beauty and depth.

The one who can look herself fully in eye in the mirror with tender recognition.

The one who sees herself as the juicist morsel you will ever sink your teeth into.

A woman fully ripened.

The sweetest flavored nectar running from her lips and down her chin as she drinks deeply from life.

Grateful for all that came before.

The sweet and sour.

The contracting and expanding.

Knowing that she could not taste the way she does now without the variety of life contributing to the subtle layering of flavor.

Will you be the fuel to her fire by being fully present?

Are you afraid she will consume you?

This is not a woman you can keep by feeding her crumbs.

With the heat of her passion, she burns away all the walls and foxholes and hiding places that you use to keep your heart safe.

Will you run?

Dodging the raw fullness of being known

Or will you stay and allow the pleasure and discomfort of digging into deep connection wash over you in alternate waves.

Knowing in this world pure pleasure does not exist.


Always complex flavors are the most satisfying.

-- Jana Beam Powers